"Remains of the Feast" is a short story about a woman's relationship with her grandmother in the final days of her life. The narrator describes her grandmother's physical decline and the emotional toll of watching someone she loves suffer. The narrator describes the room of her great-grandmother Rukmini, who recently died at the age of 90. The room still carries the smell of her, but it's not the same overpowering smell that clung to everything during her final days. Rukmini had been in a nursing home for ten days before she died, with a cancerous lump in her neck that spread rapidly throughout her body. The narrator reflects on her relationship with Rukmini, who had survived her only son and daughter-in-law by ten years. Despite being a village-bred woman who signed papers with a thumbprint, she outlived her city-bred and ambitious descendants, which she found slightly hilarious. Rukmini had a sense of humor that was quaint, yet embarrassing at times, and would ...