The story is set in India and revolves around the lives of domestic servants who work in a wealthy household. One day, the memsahib (lady of the house) receives a call from someone claiming to be a reporter, asking about the behavior of the servants. Suspicious of the call, the memsahib asks Ramu, one of the servants, to keep an eye on the other servants and report anything suspicious.
Ramu starts to observe his colleagues and becomes suspicious of Munni, who he believes is not working diligently and is engaging in suspicious activities. Ramu decides to inform the memsahib about Munni's behavior, hoping to protect the other servants and their jobs.
The memsahib listens to Ramu's concerns and investigates the situation. She discovers that Munni has been making anonymous calls to the memsahib, spreading rumors about the other servants and their work ethic. The memsahib confronts Munni and gives her a second chance, warning her that any further misconduct will not be tolerated.
Ramu feels both satisfaction and regret about what has happened. On one hand, he is glad that Munni's betrayal has been exposed and the other servants' jobs are safe. On the other hand, he is saddened by the fact that someone he considered a friend could betray him and their colleagues in such a way. In the end, Ramu realizes that loyalty and trust are essential qualities for a servant to have and hopes that Munni has learned the same lesson.
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