Title Significance – Land : Women’s Breath and Speech The title Land: Women’s Breath and Speech is translated from Tamil Title “Nilam: Penkalin Moochum, Peachum”. The title delineates the crux of the essay. Throughout the essay P.Sivakami talks about the term “Land”. She Interrogates “Can we measure a colossal force by a narrow term ‘Land?” As the main title suggests she talks primarily about the term “Land”. She associates the term with Thinai which includes not only the land but also the living organisms and plants. She negotiates the culture of naming the land based on the plants growing there. Then she traces the history of naming the land and proclaims it was named after the language is spoken by a man and his linage. Term and Naming of Lands After discussing the term and naming of land, she surveys how man possessed the right to hold private property. She traces it back to the beginning of Human civilization when human beings began to appropriate lands. She suggests ...